BY ANDY STUART. Featured on SC3000's homepage for two weeks.
When I build a city, I use 14x14 blocks. This arrangement promotes high land value and
encourages 4x4 buildings, and makes it easy to install pipes and public transportation.
To use this arrangement, surround a 14x14 square with roads. Then zone a 4x4 square at the
four corners and a 4x4 between each of the corner 4x4's. Next, make small parks in the empty
rows between 4x4's, extending each row 4 tiles from the road. Then fill the 6x6 area in the
middle with big parks. Picture 1. The parks raise land value. In the first city I built with this layout, the land value is astronomical in every zone except industrial (although there are isolated industrial tiles with astronomical land value) and residential on the outskirts of town. You could also put mountains or water in the center, and have the same effect on land value. The distinct 4x4 plots encourage 4x4's to develop, by giving them a perfect footprint with no obstacle from smaller buildings. The land value also encourages 4x4's including Quigley's. A city I built with this layout has over 25 Quigley's. When making your water system, simply put pipes under every road. Pipes all tiles within 7 tiles or less from the pipe, so pipes 14 tiles apart cover everything. When it's time to add public transportation, simply bulldoze the closest small park to the road and build a bus or subway station. Picture 2.
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