List of Ideas for the Next Version of SimCity

Ideas for the Next Sim City

Ideas for the “Simnation” idea
Transportation ideas

Zoning Ideas
Land form Ideas
New Feature Ideas
Ideas for municipal services
Ideas for buildings
Budget/Money ideas
New Commerce/Industries
Terrain Editor/Building Architect
Government subsidized Buildings
Full list

Transportation ideas
-Roads and highways of varying widths (one way, 2 lane...highway, 5 lanes each way)
-More versatile highway interchanges (ie. you can make them curve, make cloverleafs, make flyovers etc.)
-highways, roads and rails can go into tunnels without going thru a hill (like the Pru tunnel in Boston, or UN building tunnel in NYC)
-Curvy Roads
-Bridges that diagonally cross rivers.
-Road over rail bridges, and vica versa.
-Speed limits (which YOU SET with help from you can even create speed traps, but these might anger the sims!)
-High speed intercity rail...increases commerce.
-Bus only roads
-Pedestrian walkways
-Different railroad stations:
-Central station (5x5) as a reward for .5 million. put across existing track
-Large stations (2x2) put across existing track, platform extends down track (dont take up extra space)
-Small stations (1x1)put across existing track, platform extends down track. These would not be on their own tiles and would not take up extra space.
All of the train stations would be equally accessable from both sides.
The Central and Large stations could automatically serve as subway or bus stations as well, for an extra fee.
- Bus stations:
-Main bus depot (again, a reward)
-Bus stops. 1x1, on existing road (dont take up extra space)
- Light rail, above ground subway
- Highway above ground, on ground, depressed
- Traffic lights
- Realistic Railroad Curves (Not as tight)
- Ferries
- Options of bridge types, like in SimCity2000.
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