List of Ideas for the Next Version of SimCity

Ideas for the Next Sim City

Ideas for the “Simnation” idea
Transportation ideas

Zoning Ideas
Land form Ideas
New Feature Ideas
Ideas for municipal services
Ideas for buildings
Budget/Money ideas
New Commerce/Industries
Terrain Editor/Building Architect
Government subsidized Buildings
Full list

New Feature Ideas
- Closer zooms
- You can drive/walk/ take public transport/talk to people/walk into buildings.**
- Trees Grow
- Construction see each phase.**
- Abandoned buildings aren't so bad looking at first, butthe deteriorate as they are abandoned longer (first the paint peels, then the windows break, then it rusts, etc.)**
- Federal governmentt buildings as rewards.
- Option that automatically replace aging Power plants, water pumps, etc.
**We realize that these ideas would require very fast processors. We would not want it to slow down the game. So, these might have to wait for a while.
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